Tag Archives: horror

Another Film Premiere

Coming up – Second film premiere in a week.

How often can I say that? Never.

Delighted that BLACK DARUMA has a World Premiere Friday night at Spirit of Independence Festival in Sheffield.
From filmmakers Fionn and Toby Watts, this movie has Maximum Wattage!

A really unique horror film, I hope you can see it!

Black Daruma Tickets Here

Struggling with unemployment and a lack of purpose in life, Ryan impulsively buys a Japanese ‘luck’ doll at a local emporium and takes it home to his girlfriend, hoping his fortunes might change. Reluctant to entertain his wishful thinking and annoying pranks with the Doll, Louise finally persuades Ryan to throw the Doll away. But somehow the Doll reappears and tension in the house grows as circumstances for Ryan go from bad to worse.

Cast : David Castleford, Julie Higginson, Louise O’ Leary, Madeline Percival, Richard Galloway, Rowe David McClelland, Ruth Langrick

This follows the Premiere of CHANGING TIDES in Blackpool last weekend.

Beverley and I watching Changing Tides

A lovely evening with the crew who made it, and a very appreciative audience for a very emotional film. I cried at myself.

CHANGING TIDES has two more Cinema screenings coming up… Please check it out if you can.

50 Red Bank, Cheetham Hill, Manchester M4 4HF
8 October at 12:00-14:00

159A Tottenham Ln, London N8 9BT
19 October at 20:00-22:00

Film Premieres coming up Sept 2023

It’s late in the evening, the last day of August, the last day of meteorological summer.
September 1st tomorrow.

Time to start thinking about putting the shorts away, and wearing jeans and long trousers again. Argh!

But I have good reason to dress up a bit! I have two movie premieres coming up in September. And tickets go on sale Sept 1st!

Hope to see you in a cinema soon!


From Writer / Director / Producer Kathryn Georghiou, and based on a true story, Changing Tides is a film about end-of-life alcoholism and finding hope in unexpected places.

Written & Directed by
Kathryn Georghiou

Natasha Cottriall and Rowe David McClelland

Bea, a broke 22-year-old domestic carer has a new patient, an old, angry, alcoholic at the end of his life. After a turbulent start the two form an unlikely bond that changes both their lives forever.

Writer / Director / Producer Kathryn Georghiou says:
CHANGING TIDES is loosely based on my dad and I during the latter part of his life. He was an alcoholic, and that’s what killed him at the young age of 58.
The female character, Bea, a young, cocky domestic carer who has better things to do with her time.
Aiden is bloated and yellowing, looking older than his age because he’s been lost at the end of a bottle for many years.
First they fight. Control is power.
But when the realities of alcoholism force Bea to be the care giver, Aiden is forced to accept. This shifts their roles and instead of spoiling for war, they gradually bond over chips and sarcasm, and fall into parent and child friendship.
Aiden vows to change, but it’s not that easy when you’ve been living drink to drink for so long. Stopping altogether in an uncontrolled environment can only make things worse. And it does.
First the psychosis. Then the fatal discovery when Bea arrives the next day.
When Aiden is finally freed from his self-imposed prison, Bea is on a rollercoaster of emotions. Leaving his house for the last time, she realises there is hope.
He’s at peace. And she’s glad she knew him.

Changing Tides will have a limited cinema release before an exclusive run at film festivals for approximately one year. After that it will be made available on streaming platforms.

The cinema screenings are part of a four film ‘Made in Blackpool’ event, an evening celebrating four short films made in Blackpool by House of Tales and Out of the Ark Productions.

  • Saturday 23 September – 19.30 screening (doors at 19.00) at The Regent Cinema, Blackpool – the *premiere* screening of Changing Tides
  • Sunday 8 October – 12.00 at Cultplex, Manchester
  • Thursday 19 October – 20.00 at ArtHouse Cinema, London

General release tickets go on sale on 1st September.
Full details / buy tickets  here:

If you have been affected by a parents drinking or you’re worried about someone who is, get in touch with Nacoa (National Association of Children of Alcoholics – https://nacoa.org.uk/), who are an excellent UK charity that provide help and support for everyone affected by a parent’s drinking, young and old.


Not just one premiere in September – there’s another! 

Black Daruma is a uniquely shot film, told entirely from the perspective of a doll. Made by local filmmakers, Fionn and Toby Watts, the film will have its world premiere at the Spirit of Independence Festival in Sheffield, Sept 29th.

Struggling with unemployment and a lack of purpose in life, Ryan impulsively buys a Japanese ‘luck’ doll at a local emporium and takes it home to his girlfriend, hoping his fortunes might change. Reluctant to entertain his wishful thinking and annoying pranks with the Doll, Louise finally persuades Ryan to throw the Doll away. But somehow the Doll reappears and tension in the house grows as circumstances for Ryan go from bad to worse.

Cast : David Castleford, Julie Higginson, Louise O’ Leary, Madeline Percival, Richard Galloway, Rowe David McClelland, Ruth Langrick

Premiere – Friday September 29th, Showroom Cinema, Sheffield – Tickets available here – https://www.showroomworkstation.org.uk/black-daruma-soi

Mockdown! Live Chat Show Sun Aug 9th – Film night!

Hello chums!

I hope you’ve all survived another week of this Pandemic and you’re ready for a bit of entertainment.

Last night’s MOCKDOWN! show was Film themed…. and I had three super guests…

LINDSAY BENNETT-THOMPSON, Actor/Writer/Artist & Filmmaker on her latest project Enter Nirvana, and her recent appearance on Coronation Street…

Harry Potter Movie Death Eater, Actor/Model/Photographer, and mo-cap artist King Regis in Final Fantasy XV video-game, JON CAMPLING

And, finally, Film Director MATT ROUTLEDGE, his new movie Tribal-Get Out Alive premieres online on Monday…

We chat about the impact Lockdown has had on their lives and work, and what they’re up to now.
[Full Guest info below video]


Lindsay Bennett-Thompson
Lindsay is an Actress, Writer and Artist based in the North-West. Her expressive, idiosyncratic look and fearless approach has gained her recognition as a contemporary and bold actress. She began her career early and in her twenties joined and toured with a rock band for a number of years. Following the bands eventual breakup, Lindsay explored her interest in puppetry before returning to study;  graduating in 2014 with First Class Honours in Contemporary Theatre and Performance from the University of Central Lancashire. 2019 was a major turning point for Lindsay, after a near death experience and life saving surgery the experience propelled her to continue to push to make her own work and develop her career as a filmmaker an she currently has 2 films PUPPY and ENTER NIRVANA in the festival circuit with ambition to release them online next year.   Having gained positive reviews from PUPPY Lindsay is currently developing a feature length screenplay.
Guest Links
Enter Nirvana Trailer
Puppy Trailer
Actor Showreel

Jon Campling
Jon was born in Hull and gave up a job for Life with British aerospace to go to drama school in Brum for 3yrs in 89. He now has 97 IMDb acting credits, stopped the Hogwarts Express in Harry Potter, and created the character KING REGIS in the global smash game Final Fantasy XV. As well as acting, Jon is also a model, photographer, wand maker, a runner & fitness freak and is currently training to be a singer. His latest film release is ‘Adventure Boyz’ available on all the usual platforms.
Guest Links
Adventure Boyz 

Matt Routledge
Matt has been actively acting, directing and producing Martial Arts Media since his first ‘Nunchaku Instructional Video’ back in 1992. In 1997 he completed a three year degree course which saw him make two half hour martial arts films ‘Net Chaser’ and ‘Rush Hour’. After working in the industry for well-known companies such as ‘Mersey Television’, ‘Granada Television’ and ‘Sony Entertainment’, he returned to making martial arts films. These include the internationally acclaimed short film “The Car Wash” in 2000 and two TV movies, ‘Fist of Justice’ (2005) and ‘Crazy in Love’ (2004). By now an experienced stuntman/ choreographer and action director, Matt relocated to Thailand where he worked with Jackie Chan on ‘The Medallion’ and action director on Menahem Golan’s last ever martial arts film ‘Final Combat.’ Primarily working as a ‘Director of Photography’ since then, Matt has now moved back into the Director’s chair for the award winning martial arts short film ‘Fixer’ (2016) and most recently the multi-award winning crime caper drama ‘Manipulation’ (2018). A short film that has bagged over 17 awards globally so far in film festivals from Melbourne to Los Angeles.
He’s now releasing the action horror feature film ‘Tribal,’ starring Zara Phythian (Doctor Strange) and Ross O’Hennessey (Game of Thrones).
Guest Links
Tribal – Get Out Alive Premiere

My Ko-Fi link – http://ko-fi.com/davemcclelland

MOCKDOWN! streams live Sunday evenings at 8pm (UK) on my Actor Facebook Page and on my YouTube Channel.
Past shows are on my Actor page, and are also available as a Playlist on YouTube

Stay safe you beauties!
D x

Let me read to you. It may be scary….

I had a summer of horror! …..

Reading and recording the audiobook The Dead Room, by Luke Walker.

I love a good horror – and this one kept me entertained, both through my initial reading, and creating the world for the audiobook. Feedback so far has been brilliant, so please check it out!

Here’s a little about it… mybook.to/TheDeadRoomAudible

A week before Christmas, terrorists detonate dozens of dirty bombs throughout Britain and release a man-made contagion, leading Nicola Allen to begin a frantic hunt for her husband and daughter while a nation burns.

Fleeing from a horrendous event she refuses to speak of and desperate to find shelter in a dying country, Nicola’s sister-in-law, Cate, takes cover in a partly-destroyed hospital. Terrorised by visions of mutilated bodies and the screams of phantom children, Cate joins a group of survivors, all of whom are under attack by ruthless scavengers and looters.

If Nicola is to have any chance of finding her family and if Cate is to escape from the siege, they must reunite and then descend into the belly of the ruined hospital where the horrific truth of what truly connects the two women is waiting for them.

Waiting for them down in the dead room.

Sounds good eh? Go get it now!!!! THE DEAD ROOM

And remember – both Luke and I would really appreciate any reviews you may leave anywhere!

Happy reading – and listening…..

A very short film at the festival….

Had some brilliant news today, a very short film I’ve made has been chosen as a finalist to be shown at Celluloid Screams, the Sheffield Horror Film Festival this coming weekend.

INSIDE, a short ‘bumper’ film, has been accepted as one of the finalists in the Celluloid Screams Film Festival Bumper Competition this weekend in Sheffield. Bumpers are 30 to 60 second short films designed to play before festival feature presentations. The winning Bumper will be announced at the close of the festival.

You can preview all the bumper competition entries, including mine, at the South Yorkshire Filmmakers Network SHOWROOM SHORTS at The Showroom Cinema Tuesday evening, 9pm.

Mine is a very personal little film, so I hope you can see it either Tuesday night, or at the festival this weekend in Sheffield.


A short horror film…

It’s the school holidays this week and I’ve had the pleasure of having my son Benjamin stay with me for a few days.

We’d had ideas for a short film concept a couple of weeks ago with the intention of making it this week.

All went to plan and we’re both very happy with the end result…
BENJAMIN – naughty or nice

Shot and edited in one day with a budget of £2.50 (for the t-shirt).

Benjamin is hoping for more film work and we certainly will be shooting more collaborations.

Anyone looking to cast a teenager for film/TV work, please contact me (below) and I will see if we can work together. Benjamin is a pleasure to work with. But then I would say that, I’m his Dad….

Oh, the horror!

Hello there! Long time no see….

It’s been a busy couple of months. I shot a small role in a new BBC Drama, IN THE DARK, a lovely scene with MyAnna Buring…

With MyAnna Buring, shooting IN THE DARK for BBC
With MyAnna Buring, shooting IN THE DARK for BBC

Then it was on to a leading role in a magnificent horror film, PANDORA.
I can’t tell you anything about it, other than it was dark, gory – and lots of fun to do.

Our director is Carl Whiteley, here’s one of his funnier projects…

And here’s a few recent pics I took whilst on location to give you a little flavour of what is to come…..