Category Archives: Pandora the movie

TV, Film and Teabagging!

It’s been an exciting few months here at McClellandMedia HQ….

I shot an episode of the new BBC TV series IN THE DARK, starring MyAnna Buring.
I shot an amazing leading role in the super new horror movie PANDORA.
I played a coach driver in new feature film DESTINATION: DEWSBURY
and there’s something new coming up very soon that I’m very excited about, but I can’t share as yet…
So it looks like you will see a lot of me on screens large and small over the next few months.

Add to that an upcoming gig by our band, THE YORKSHIRE TEABAGGERS, this very weekend at the Regather Venue in Sheffield – follow this link for all the details. We’ll be treating everyone to a drink, so don’t miss it!

Other recent events of note….. Well done Jeremy Corbyn! Let’s hope the Labour Party can now get on with fighting the Tories.
And it was a happy 84th birthday for my Mum, June McClelland, the very best mum in the world!

A few pictures for you…

PANDORA wrap party cocktails
PANDORA wrap party cocktails
Mum, June McClelland, out and about on her 84th birthday!
Mum, June McClelland, out and about on her 84th birthday!
Yorkshire Teabaggers rehearsal
Yorkshire Teabaggers rehearsal
Yorkshire Teabaggers rehearsal
Yorkshire Teabaggers rehearsal