BROKEN on BBC1 is almost over, just one more episode next week, 4th July – and this is the main episode for the Kerrigan family.

Look at that cast list!
Bloody amazing group of people, all acted their hearts out for this lovely series.
Everyone has fingers crossed for a second series.
Last episode Tuesday July 4th.
But never fear!
You haven’t seen the last of me!
I will return in the Broken timeslot the following week for the first episode of IN THE DARK, starring MyAnna Buring. First episode is July 11th. Here’s the trailer…..
From Soaplife Magazine….

I only have a short scene with MyAnna Buring in the early scenes of the episode, but it was lots of fun to do, as you will see. There’s more of me than there is today in the picture below – I’ve lost over 30 pounds since then – and feeling much better for it!

Here’s the link to my blog from back then….
And yesterday I went to the Readthrough for a new series for ITV.
I’ve one scene in one episode, but it’s a lovely scene with two AMAZING actors.
More about that later, I can say nothing at the mo!
That’s all folks! Keep watching your TV!
D x