Category Archives: Film

Future…. Just call me Barry Pigeon!!!

And in the third and final post on this Christmas eve, I’d like to look ahead to what’s coming up!


I’ve had the pleasure of filming a web series, Barry Pigeon Protects, recently – it will hit your computer screens in January, but there will be a taster online Christmas day so subscribe to Barry on Twitter to keep up to date with all the latest. It’s a funny account to follow.

It’s funny and poignant and was a lot of fun to shoot, so stay tuned….

Here’s a few pics as a wee taster of what’s to come…

Barry with apprentice Gavin, played by the fab Bruce Jackson!
The Christmas episode, almost ready……


With Writers/Directors Kurt and Andrew




And that’s it my dears!

Wishing you all the best for this Festive season and stay tuned for Barry in 2016!

Love and cuddles to Bex, Mum, the kids… and all of you, always
Dave x

Actor Showreels…. from £80

Hi folks! A long time since my last update – I’ve been living through crazy times, (I’ll save the details for my autobiography) but I’m out the other side and loving life.

I’m all set up with the latest technical bells and whistles to create Showreel Magick for you actor types…. Take a look at my Showreel page and get in touch if you need more info, contact form at bottom of this post….

King Of The Dead UK movie release soon…
(known as The Zombie King in some parts of the globe)

Our movie staggers zombie-like, ever closer to a UK DVD release… It’s showing as available on DVD from August 24th on the website.

I’m a zombie-killing milkman. What more could you ask of a film, really? I’d urge you to buy it and revel in my glorious talents….. 🙂

KING of the DEAD

UK Premiere for The Zombie King!!!


Bex and I had a fantastic time at the 25th Festival of Fantastic Films where THE ZOMBIE KING had the UK Premiere.

Met up with fellow actor George McCluskey and producers/actors Jennifer Chippindale and Rebecca-Clare Evans, filmmaker Natalie Kennedy, actor/comedy genius Emma Kenny Kennedy – and a whole bunch of Fantastic Fans, including Stephen and his sister, and bunch of really nice guys, one of whom was an engineer…. he mentioned that quite a lot. I wish I could remember names 🙂

A few pics from the night….L1030794

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The Zombie King UK Premiere

Great news Zombie fans!!!

The Zombie King has been available in other parts of the world for a while, but it’s now getting a UK premiere at The Festival of Fantastic Films in Manchester on November 1st.

I’m hoping to catch up with some of the lovely cast and crew again and there’s going to be Q&A after the screening.

Hope to see you there Zombie lovers!!!!!

Continue reading The Zombie King UK Premiere

Now, what can I do for you?

Hi folks! I hope all is well with you and that your summer has been full of fun and relaxation…. if only I could say the same for mine! A few nice auditions but acting work has been scarce, so it’s been a frugal couple of months.

I know I need to promote the other stuff I do – so here we are, a nice shiny new video for your viewing pleasure!

Showreels, short films, documentaries, promos, event filming, actor headshots – I can do it all!

Please message me if you’d like to chat 🙂

The Zombie King – great review

I know a lot of you are itching to see The Zombie King, so posting reviews must seem like teasing, but this one was so good for me that I have to share….

Here’s an excerpt –

The initial draw will, of course, be that
film stars two of cinema’s most iconic teen stars; Corey Feldman and Edward Furlong. However, it also features some fantastic new talent in the form of David McClelland and George McCluskey.

Co-writers / Producers Rebecca-Clare Evans and Jennifer Chippindale stated that; ‘There were no questions in our minds during the casting sessions that these two actors (McClelland / McCluskey) were the right choices for the roles this reflected in the fact that their characters really are the central comedy entertainment value in the story.’

This is very true, their characters dominate the screen and their comedic banter is one of the most entertaining things about the movie. The strength of their interaction and puerility of their consistent put-downs makes a refreshing change from the usual ‘What are we going to do?’ style dialogue which is prevalent in zombie films.

Full review below….