Hello Ducky’s
Join me on Tuesday at 8pm for an up close and intimate – yet socially distanced – Mockdown Confidential chat with my lovely friend Andria Hill-Lehr.
Actor, Writer, Educator, Traveller, I met Andria in Nova Scotia – now she’s in Old Scotia – Edinburgh.
She’ll be my guest on Mockdown Confidential Tuesday 18th August at 8pm.
Live on Facebook at – https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=345811846599988
And on YouTube at – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWBnZ5cwUqA
Andria Hill-Lehr is a freelance writer and author of two non-fiction books: Mona Parsons: From Privilege to Prison, from Nova Scotia to Nazi Europe (Nimbus Publishing, 2017) and A Mother’s Road to Kandahar (Pottersfield Press, 2008).
She is also a Registered Counselling Therapist and entertaining public speaker offering informative workshops on a variety of topics, including mental wellness in the workplace, pre-retirement preparation (not a finance workshop), humour, conflict, change, and stress.
GUEST WEB – http://andriahill-lehr.ca