Greetings people of planet Earth!
And those of you on QUA13Z2b who will see this in 5 light years….
Where did November go? A few updates for you today before we head into Festive madness….
Driven to fury by this terrible Tory government, I recorded a song and made a video, helped out on keyboards by the lovely Andrea Leblanc.
It had a screening at SYFN Showroom Shorts this week, it was lovely to hear a room full of people laugh and applaud. Please view, share….and let’s get these nasty bastards out of power.
I also popped up on your BBC iPlayer this week, with a small role in STICKY, starring Tom Hardy, Javone Prince, Charlotte Riley and more… Take a look. Fingers crossed for a series!
I’ve been busy with my son Benjamin over the last few weeks, building a Jawa costume for him to take part in Star Wars events with Sentinel Squad. We’ve been having lots of fun.
Right, lots to do, so bye for now!
D x