Tag Archives: Nova Scotia

Coming up Tues Aug 18, Mockdown Confidential, with Andria Hill-Lehr

Hello Ducky’s

Join me on Tuesday at 8pm for an up close and intimate – yet socially distanced – Mockdown Confidential chat with my lovely friend Andria Hill-Lehr.

Actor, Writer, Educator, Traveller, I met Andria in Nova Scotia – now she’s in Old Scotia – Edinburgh.

She’ll be my guest on Mockdown Confidential Tuesday 18th August at 8pm.

Live on Facebook at – https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=345811846599988
And on YouTube at – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWBnZ5cwUqA

Andria Hill-Lehr is a freelance writer and author of two non-fiction books: Mona Parsons: From Privilege to Prison, from Nova Scotia to Nazi Europe (Nimbus Publishing, 2017) and A Mother’s Road to Kandahar (Pottersfield Press, 2008).
She is also a Registered Counselling Therapist and entertaining public speaker offering informative workshops on a variety of topics, including mental wellness in the workplace, pre-retirement preparation (not a finance workshop), humour, conflict, change, and stress.

GUEST WEBhttp://andriahill-lehr.ca

New Mockdown Confidential chat show, Tues Aug 11 @ 8pm

Join me Tuesday Aug 11th at 8pm (UK) for Mockdown Confidential, a spinoff from my Mockdown! Show, this is a more intimate one-to-one chat with a special guest…

This week Canadian Actor, Writer, Theatre Guru, and family guy, Charlie Rhindress joins me to talk about Lockdown, The Canadian Bubble, his books on Canadian Musical Icons, his Lockdown Streaming show, and his latest acting role in an upcoming TV series based on a Stephen King short story.

GUEST LINKShttp://charlierhindress.comhttps://twitter.com/crhindress

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Equity Benevolent Fund
Equity Benevolent Fund YouTube Channel
My Ko-Fi linkhttp://ko-fi.com/davemcclelland