Tag Archives: Lancashire

A bit of a web site tidy up…..

Hello folks!

Almost the weekend and almost my birthday, looking forward to food, fun and frolics.

I just wanted to share a few updates I’ve made to the web site.

I used to hand code everything back when I started, then moved to Dreamweaver for design, then added WordPress for the blog section of the site.

To try to keep everything fresh, uniform and handy for mobile devices, I’ve started moving the old pages to the WordPress format. It also makes updates easy from my phone.

So if you look up at the menu bar above you will see a few new additions. Many of my old pages will go under the Other Pages section, so look there for Memoirs of a Railwayman, David McClelland the Psychologist, the USS McClelland and Unique Urinals. I am pretty eclectic in my pages….

And (yet another) reminder that Episode 2 of Barry Pigeon Protects is online today…..
Please, please, please view, subscribe, like and share…..

Episode 1, in case you missed it (HOW????),  is below…

Future…. Just call me Barry Pigeon!!!

And in the third and final post on this Christmas eve, I’d like to look ahead to what’s coming up!


I’ve had the pleasure of filming a web series, Barry Pigeon Protects, recently – it will hit your computer screens in January, but there will be a taster online Christmas day so subscribe to Barry on Twitter to keep up to date with all the latest. It’s a funny account to follow.

It’s funny and poignant and was a lot of fun to shoot, so stay tuned….

Here’s a few pics as a wee taster of what’s to come…

Barry with apprentice Gavin, played by the fab Bruce Jackson!
The Christmas episode, almost ready……


With Writers/Directors Kurt and Andrew




And that’s it my dears!

Wishing you all the best for this Festive season and stay tuned for Barry in 2016!

Love and cuddles to Bex, Mum, the kids… and all of you, always
Dave x