Category Archives: Computer

Lockdown Log, Tiers, and Christmas…

Ey up!

I hope you’re all keeping well during these strange continuing times.

Last year I was in a play called The Sylvia Swing, a touching piece about loss and loneliness. Playwright Melanie Hopkins has adapted the stage version to be performed online, and it went live Friday night.

Take a look at the results below. A lovely piece – and feels apt for these times.

The Lockdown Log…

So, Lockdown 2 is over and we are now in Tier 3 (again) – or T3.2 as I think of it.

I spent Lockdown 1 doing a streaming chat show, Mockdown. The link takes you to a playlist of Mockdown episodes.

I passed the days of Lockdown 2 doing a daily log update with a max running time 2:20, so I could post to Twitter.

I’m keeping up with the Log now we’re in T3.2, hopefully through to Christmas at least. Link below is for the YouTube Playlist for the Nov/Dec videos… Take a look, I walk the dogs, eat breakfast, drink coffee and spend time at the computer…. Exciting times.

Stay safe – and call back again soon!

Dave X


MOCKDOWN! Ep 6, 26th July

Hello friends!

I hope you’re all staying safe and well, despite the best efforts of our government…

Had another fun MOCKDOWN! show last night.
This week’s guests…. Brothers from Other Mothers – and a Sister-in-Law too….
The wonderful trio, STEVE GARTI, JOHN & MARIA ATHERLEY… [Guest details below the video…] We chat about how Lockdown has impacted on them, and what they’re up to now.


STEVE GARTI, actor, musician – Acting Credits include The full monty, The Cops, Ashes to Ashes, all the soaps, Brassic. And Broken with me and Sean Bean!
Did years on the club circuit with various bands and was Billy Pierce’s drummer during the late 80’s. A professional cook. Proud dad to his son James who with his partner has recently gifted him a grandson.  •

My musical brother, JOHN ATHERLEY, my bandmate in The Yorkshire Teabaggers, founded The Sheffield Ukulele Group, and an all round IT Whizz!
He studied drama, went into IT but still had that artistic and performance bug…
Creates his own artwork under the name Tommy Teabag Art, created The Yorkshire Teabaggers which I’m very proud to be part of, formed the Sheffield Ukulele Group and now runs his own Tinterweb design company, Atherweb. •

And John’s partner, MARIA ATHERLEY, an Army brat apparently, studied hospitality management and worked in hospitality and HR, but in recent years has embraced her spiritual side and co-founded The Karma Hub, offering a variety of Yoga, meditation and sound therapies…. •

My Ko-Fi link –

MOCKDOWN! streams live Sunday evenings at 8pm (UK) on my Actor Facebook Page.
Past show are on my Actor page, and are also available as a Playlist on YouTube

Stay safe you little beauties!
D x

I’m in BARRY PIGEON PROTECTS. Episode 5 out now!

I am so proud of our web series. I hope you’re enjoying it!

A different format this time for you….. This week Barry discusses the declining quality of flies, toilet time and boiled eggs….

One more episode to go now – and it’s a doozy!

Have a superb weekend my Little Valentine’s!

Tons of love


Finally restored all the old Blog Posts

My host service suffered a major server problem back in May and, though I was able to restore most of my site, I lost all my old blogs.

I have finally managed to restore them all and, with the exception of a couple of photos I can’t find now, I have brought my history back to life!

Now I can actually start blogging again!